7 New Habits to Help You Pre-Cleanse


Here at Diaeta Way we are getting ready for our first email powered workshop cleanse. You probably have heard about it by now – we have been pretty excited the last couple of weeks putting on the finishing touches, drafting up fun complimentary content for our blog, and personally prepping for the cleanse ourselves.

A lot of you folks (you know who you are!) have joined already, and your fervor about launching into this journey has been contagious. We have gotten a lot of great questions – most importantly how to prepare yourself!

Change is hard. There is no getting around that. As much as it’s difficult to admit, the majority of people are addicted to something in their edible lives – sugar, coffee, saturated fat, bread – you name it. While your body is going to feel great once you have pushed out your metabolic clutter over the first three weeks of September, it is probably not going to love it when you go cold turkey on your morning coffee or your favorite late night snack.

That is why we suggest a pre-cleanse. Ease yourself into the concept of cleansing. Here are a few ways.

1) Clean out your Pantry! Start to get rid of the junk food well ahead of time. Anything store bought should have minimal ingredients. Your fresh produce and homemade meals should greatly out-weigh pre-packaged foods.

2) Switch from coffee to green tea this week. Green tea has much less concentrated caffeine, and you can be the master of how strong you plan to brew it. Get some loose leaf green and herbal tea, and mix them together. Start heavy on the green early in the week, and by Sunday be drinking only herbal.

teaGreen tea (good quality ones) have exceptional health benefits but we are advising to eliminate caffiene for the purpose of detoxifying the liver (and while caffeine is not necessarily a toxin, it does tie up many liver enzymes that could work on other substances) and for the purpose of giving our nervous system a break!

3) Pass up those snacks for healthier alternatives. Do you like to eat chips or popcorn when you are winding down at night or as a midday snack? Try substituting beet chips, kale chips, or another grain and starch free alternative. Carrot sticks and sliced fruit are also a great alternative crunch!

beetchips4) Find a fun non-alcoholic night time beverage. It is nice to pair dinner with a glass of wine or maybe even a cocktail, but that won’t work with this cleanse. Now is the time to figure out what non-alcoholic, sugar-free alternatives work for you. Try fizzy water with real cranberry juice, or freshly squeezed grapefruit.

5) Change your morning routine. Get rid of that bowl of cereal. Dust off your blender and start making smoothies a part of your morning zen.

berrysmoothie16) Cook at home. This whole cleanse will be much easier if you cook for yourself, and it’s a good idea to start that practice. You may choose to cook the last meats you will be having for the next month – that is alright. The practice of cooking and stocking your fridge accordingly is important. While you still have plenty of energy get your cooking and cleaning routines down. Make yourself comfortable in your home and improved lifestyle.

7) Find your support group. Distance yourself from the naysayers and sceptics. Find people in your life who feel just as strongly about living a healthy life, regardless of whether they are participating in the cleanse. (Don’t forget if you refer two friends, you will receive a special detox gift in the mail!)

Consider joining a yoga group. Don’t forget about your online support system as well! We are here to talk about our experiences and help one another through.

We are excited to start the 21 Day Cleanse: A Journey of Renewal. There is still time to sign up, just find us online!

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